10+ Most Awesome Projects Built with Vue.JS

Vue.JS is a progressive JavaScript Framework, probably the easiest to learn there is. For the last few years it has been gaining popularity and it still does. Let’s check out some projects that use vue.js and then you can say for yourself if it is cool or not.

Here we go:

1. Fullstack.io – Learn Vue.js

This is the website for the tutorial book FullStack Vue — the Complete Guide to Vue.js. It aims to teach people everything there is to know about Vue so that anyone can start writing Vue apps fast and efficiently.

2. Task List

Task List is a simple app built with Vue.js that helps you keep track of all your tasks. With a simple intuitive design, this Task List enables you to organize your life and never again forget about tasks.

3. Vue Material Dashboard

Vue Material Dashboard is a resource built by Creative Tim over Vue Material and Vuejs. It is a super cool tool if you want to start developing dashboards fast and easy. All you need is a basic understanding and knowledge of JavaScript, Vue.js and Vue Router.

4. TuneIn

This is a simple music discovery app. The beautiful website’s strong point is the easiness of use. By keeping everything simple, it became very easy to understand. It doesn’t have many features, but does it really need more?

5. Octoplus Group

Octoplus Group is an integrated communication agency that aims to help its clients and their success grow. For their homepage, they took the concept of Every story starts with a letter quite literally. But in a good way, obviously. And that pretty much seems to be how this website got its shape.

6. ProjectHelios

This website is obviously a tribute to the vaporwave movement. I secretly enjoy this current both in music and in aesthetics so I actually quite like this one. It might look a bit old school, but the 80s’ is what inspires it, so why not combine it with our tech too.

7. FontAwesome

This one you probably already know and have used at some point. If not, maybe you should give it a shot. I for one don’t know what I would have done without it. So from these people without whom many frontend devs’ lives would be harsher, comes to a cool, functional, user-friendly and built with a vue.js website.

8. ColorsWall

Coming up with a good, beautiful combination of colors is pretty hard. Losing it is even harder. I think I cried once or twice over lost color palettes. Well, no more I say! This a pretty neat idea and website that will help you store all of your color palettes in just one place.

9. RottenSoup

RottenSoup is a roguelike RPG with an interface built with vue.js. If you’re feeling nostalgic, this is the game for you. I, for one, really enjoyed playing it.

10. VueVixens

Started by Jen Looper, Vue Vixens creates awesome Vue.js learning opportunities for anyone who identifies as a woman. By hosting workshops for under-represented people, Vue Vixens takes this experience to a whole new level. Thank you for existing.

11. Vue Argon Design System

Vue Argon Design System is an open source & free Design System for Bootstrap 4, and it features many components that can help you create amazing websites.

Vue Argon Design System is built with over 100 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variations in colour, that you can easily modify using SASS files.Every element has multiple states for colors, styles, hover, focus, that you can easily access and use.