Made with React

VueJS Expo

A beautiful collection of websites, applications, and experiments using Vue.js framework. Find your inspiration here and start developing!

Vue Material Dashboard PRO

Vue Material Dashboard PRO is a beautiful resource built over Vue Material and Vuejs. It will help you get started developing dashboards in no time. Vue Material Dashboard PRO is the official Vuejs version of the Original Material Dashboard.

Vue Material Kit PRO

Vue Material Kit Pro is a beautiful resource built over Vue Material and Vuejs. It will help you get started developing UI Kits in no time. Vue Material Kit Pro is the official Vuejs version of the Original Material Kit Pro.


vue-markdown is a powerful and highspeed markdown parser for Vue. Supported Markdown Syntax: automatic table of contents table & class customize...


v-playback is a Vue2 plugin to make video play easier. Read more Live Preview Get Hosting...


Tinytabs is a tiny (1.3 KB minified) Javascript tabbing library. It has zero dependencies. All you need is a few layers in a container layer. If Javas...


It is a Vue.js integration for Typed.js. Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace...


vue-music 163 is a webapp based on Vue2.0 which contains seaching and playing music. Read more Live Preview Get Hosting...


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