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7 Vuetify Free Templates for Spring 2020

Vuetify is one of the most popular frameworks and has been in development since 2016. This project provides users with everything that is needed to build rich and engaging web applications using the Material Design specification and Vue.

1. Vuetify Material Dashboard

This theme by Creative Tim is a beautiful resource that will help you get started developing dashboards in no time. Vuetify Material Dashboard is the official Vuejs version of the Original Material Dashboard.

Using the Dashboard is pretty simple but requires basic knowledge of Javascript, VuejsandVue Router. Every component is handcrafted to bring you the best possible UI tools to your next great app. The development doesn't stop at the core components outlined in Google's spec. Through the support of community members and sponsors, additional components will be designed and made available for everyone to enjoy.

Vuex is a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications. It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application, with rules ensuring that the state can only be mutated in a predictable fashion. It also integrates with Vue's official devtools extension to provide advanced features such as zero-config time-travel debugging and state snapshot export/import.


2. Freelancer

A single page Material inspired theme for Freelancers.


3. Vuebase

Vuebase is a Firebase-like theme.


4. Vuetify swipeout

This project is a swipe out example built with Vue, Vuetify and Swiper.


5. Vuetify Admin Dashboard

Vuetify Admin Dashboard is a beautiful resource built over Vuetify and Vuex. It will help you get started developing dashboards in no time. Vuetify Material Dashboard is the official Vuejs version of the Original Material Dashboard. Using the Dashboard is pretty simple but requires basic knowledge of Javascript, Vue, Vuex and Vue-Router.

Vuetify Admin Dashboard

6. Vue CRM

Vue CRM is a simple reusable CRM built on Vue 2 PWA template and Vuetify UI.

  • This project is built from Vue 2 PWA template by default.
  • The UI part is built on the top of Vuetify.
  • It inlcudes Vuex and Axios to manage authentication. (Dummy token)
  • The token and user profile is managed by Vue-Persisteddstate.
  • and many more!


6. Vue Admin Template

Vue Admin Template is a sample Admin Template based on Vuejs & Vuetify.

Vue Admin Template

7. River Admin

River Admin is a very modern and a shiny customizable admin extension with user friendly and easy to use interfaces for django-river . The power of it comes from the libraries it uses on both backend and frontend sides which are django-river, django-rest-framework Vue and Vuetify.

River Admin
